Living Wisely Living Well | With Asha Nayaswami
Living Wisely Living Well, by Asha Nayaswami offers timeless wisdom to enrich your every day. Each episode presents practical ways to improve your life. It is based on the book by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and the founder of Ananda. Asha Nayaswami is one of the spiritual directors of Ananda Palo Alto and a founding member of Ananda worldwide. To learn more about Ananda visit https://www.ananda.org/. If you’re in the Bay Area and are interested in a meditation or yoga class, visit https://www.anandapaloalto.org/ Support Asha's work on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/ashanayaswami
364 episodes
Dec 31. Community is everything.
Develop a sense of community with others. No one in this world stands alone, though in many ways the opposite seems true, since we come into this life alone and must leave it again at death, quite alone. Yet we come into a welcoming family, and...
Season 3
Episode 31

Dec 30. Respect excellence.
Respect excellence wherever you find it. True excellence is often the result of group endeavor, but it requires in every case the personal commitment of energy and awareness. Excellence, like everything else that is worthwhile, springs from wit...
Season 3
Episode 30

Dec 29. Intentions vs personality
Never identify anyone with his personality. Define him, rather, by his intentions, and by the sincerity with which he seeks truth. The personality is only a product of actions and reactions over countless incarnations. The innate goodness of on...
Season 3
Episode 29

Dec 28. Direct energy consciously.
Direct energy consciously into everything you do. Remember, energy has its own intelligence, and responds willingly to proper guidance. It can make things happen for you that you yourself could not have even planned.
Season 3
Episode 28

Dec 27. You belong to all nations.
You belong to all nations. Only temporarily are you an American, Frenchman, Italian, Indian; Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim. You belong to all classes. Your social status is only temporarily upper, middle, or lower. No human conditi...
Season 3
Episode 27

Dec 26. Creativity and relaxation
To be creative, first relax your mind, then offer it up to God. Every worthwhile accomplishment was conceived first in the Infinite.
Season 3
Episode 26

Dec 25. Truth is always fresh and alive.
The teachings of Jesus Christ, and of every great spiritual master, are as fresh, true, and alive today as when they were first declared. Truth never changes with time. Its expression may vary with fluctuations in human understanding, but love,...
Season 3
Episode 25

Dec 24. Depend on God's power.
Never depend on your own powers alone. They are inevitably fragile, weak, and inconsistent. But if you place your trust in God, you will find that He readily meets your needs. Ask Him with faith; don’t plead or wheedle with Him. Say, rather, “T...
Season 3
Episode 24

Dec 23. Give everything to God.
Give up thinking, “This is mine! all mine!” Tell God, with regard to everything in your life, “This is Thine! all Thine! Nothing is my own except under franchise from Thee.” The less you think of anything as your own, the freer in yourself you ...
Season 3
Episode 23

Dec 22. Emanate peace from your heart
Emanate peace in all directions from your heart. Harmonize the vibrations there; then radiate them out to your environment. Feel them entering all hearts, everywhere.
Season 3
Episode 22

Dec 18. Release into infinite freedom
Imagine every difficulty, every desire, every attachment soaring up and away from you like a balloon, growing smaller with distance until it disappears. Then return to your essential Self, and enjoy your release into infinite freedom.
Season 3
Episode 18

Dec 21. Simplify your view of life.
Work at simplifying your view of life. Seek the simple unity beneath life’s endlessly bewildering complexity. Complexity, whether in work or in relationships, only creates more complexity. To be divinely childlike means to discover perfect onen...
Season 3
Episode 21

Dec 20. Modernity vs timelessness
How modern do we owe it to ourselves to be? I myself was born in the then-backward, nearly medieval land of Romania. Never have I made a great effort to bring myself into the modern age. Scientific discoveries have swirled around me. New fads h...
Season 3
Episode 20

Dec 19. Epigrams vs truth
The Italians have a saying, “Se non è vero, è ben trovato: If it isn’t true, at least it’s well said.” Don’t, however, be lured too far from your own center by the attractive power of epigrams. Where truth is concerned, laugh if you feel to, bu...
Season 3
Episode 19

Dec 17. Cleanse your heart and mind
As you wash your body daily, so also, before going to bed in the evening, cleanse your heart of all impure desires and attachments. Free your mind of wrong thoughts, and offer yourself into the clear stream of Divine Bliss.
Season 3
Episode 17

Dec 16. Think vastness! Think eternity!
Think vastness! Think eternity! Don’t be limited to your present realities. See your thoughts as waves on the vast ocean of cosmic awareness.
Season 3
Episode 16

Dec 15. If someone ridicules you...
If someone ridicules you, laugh with him if you can. But if his ridicule is mere buffoonery, quietly look away and say nothing. And if he mocks your principles, answer him as he deserves: “Mockery comes easily, to the ignorant.” Has someone sli...
Season 3
Episode 15

Dec 14. How to love others
Love others as extensions of your own Self. See everyone as specializing on behalf of the whole human race in being himself.
Season 3
Episode 14

Dec 13. Be a true friend to all.
A true friend is one with whom you can weep, and not only laugh. Be a true friend to all. Let them feel that you care for them. Weep with them not to increase their sorrow, but to wean them from it altogether. Don’t weep for yourself, however. ...
Season 3
Episode 13

Dec 12. Include others in your success
Include the success of others in your efforts to succeed, yourself. Better a stream that makes green a whole valley than an oasis surrounded by vast stretches of sand.
Season 3
Episode 12

Dec 11. Attachment is binding
Attachment binds one to things in the way that unripe fruit clings to its branch, even when buffeted by high winds. Be like a ripe fruit, which instantly drops when it is brushed by a mere breeze. At the slightest hint of adversity, remember Go...
Season 3
Episode 11

Dec 10. Be a cause, not an effect.
If you want to improve your circumstances, work first on improving yourself. To desire better treatment from others is, in a sense, to enslave yourself to them. Become a cause in life, not an effect. Self-dependence is independence, and a mark ...
Season 3
Episode 10

Dec 9. Attracting abundance
To attract abundance in your life, see money as a flow of energy, not as a static quantity. See life in the same way: as a flowing river, not as fixed patterns of behavior. Leave your ego on the bank, and enter the stream of cosmic awareness. T...
Season 3
Episode 9

Dec 8. Be a friend to your enemies.
Let others see you, if they are so inclined, as their enemy. Resolve for your part to be their friend. More than one person in my life has said to me, “I don’t know why, but I hate you!” Well, I know why: I am true to myself, not to their desir...
Season 3
Episode 8