Living Wisely Living Well | With Asha Nayaswami
Living Wisely Living Well, by Asha Nayaswami offers timeless wisdom to enrich your every day. Each episode presents practical ways to improve your life. It is based on the book by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and the founder of Ananda. Asha Nayaswami is one of the spiritual directors of Ananda Palo Alto and a founding member of Ananda worldwide. To learn more about Ananda visit https://www.ananda.org/. If you’re in the Bay Area and are interested in a meditation or yoga class, visit https://www.anandapaloalto.org/ Support Asha's work on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/ashanayaswami
Podcasting since 2022 • 364 episodes
Living Wisely Living Well | With Asha Nayaswami
Latest Episodes
Dec 31. Community is everything.
Develop a sense of community with others. No one in this world stands alone, though in many ways the opposite seems true, since we come into this life alone and must leave it again at death, quite alone. Yet we come into a welcoming family, and...
Season 3
Episode 31

Dec 30. Respect excellence.
Respect excellence wherever you find it. True excellence is often the result of group endeavor, but it requires in every case the personal commitment of energy and awareness. Excellence, like everything else that is worthwhile, springs from wit...
Season 3
Episode 30

Dec 29. Intentions vs personality
Never identify anyone with his personality. Define him, rather, by his intentions, and by the sincerity with which he seeks truth. The personality is only a product of actions and reactions over countless incarnations. The innate goodness of on...
Season 3
Episode 29

Dec 28. Direct energy consciously.
Direct energy consciously into everything you do. Remember, energy has its own intelligence, and responds willingly to proper guidance. It can make things happen for you that you yourself could not have even planned.
Season 3
Episode 28

Dec 27. You belong to all nations.
You belong to all nations. Only temporarily are you an American, Frenchman, Italian, Indian; Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim. You belong to all classes. Your social status is only temporarily upper, middle, or lower. No human conditi...
Season 3
Episode 27